Publishing a chart
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You can register a Sonolus account on Sonolus, by clicking "Account" button in first screen.
You can log in to Chart Cyanvas by clicking "Log in" button in top right corner.
Scan the displayed QR code using your device with Sonolus, then return to the page.
Join our Discord from side bar, then Tap/Click the server name, then "Linked Roles".
You can use MikuMikuWorld for Chart Cyanvas to create charts.
You can upload your chart by clicking your name in top right corner, and clicking "Post chart" button.
You can test your chart by:
Log in to the server
Tap "levels", then "Advanced"
Tap "Private"
You can find your chart in "My charts" page, and you can edit your chart by clicking "Edit" button.
After testing and editing your chart, you can publish your chart by changing Setting in "Edit chart" page.